Submit Article

There is a lot of research happening on this planet but bringing the output of various researches to a single platform is a difficult task. It also necessitates a right platform to discuss and explore the new ideas in front of the world. Therefore, IICAT has taken a step to publish the research and new ideas in a peer-reviewed JournalHealing” to bring the various researches to a single platform. Our journal provides a platform for researchers, practitioners and scholars to publish original papers that address the intersection of research in therapeutic culture in promoting physical and mental health and social wellbeing.

Dear Author

We are pleased to invite you to contribute to our peer-reviewed journal, HEALING dedicated to exploring the therapeutic potential of cultural practices. Our journal provides a platform for researchers, practitioners, and scholars to publish original papers that address the intersection of culture and therapy in promoting physical and mental health and social wellbeing.


  • Theoreticalandpracticalissuesrelatedtovariousalliedhealth
  • Complementaryandalternativetherapeuticapproachesforphysicalandmental
  • Art,music,drama,danceandmovementsastoolsfor
  • Bio-medicalresearch,casestudies,clinicalapplicationsandinnovative
  • Cross-culturalperspectivesonwellnessand
  • Theroleof culturalrituals inmentalhealth
  • Traditionalpracticesandtheirtherapeutic
  • Awarenessgenerationonlegalandsocietalissuesonrelated

Submissions are subject to a rigorous peer-review process to ensure high standards of academic integrity and quality.

Key Dates:

  • SubmissionDeadline:30thNovember2024
  • NotificationofAcceptance: 17thDecember2024
  • PublicationDate:January

Forsubmissionguidelines and furtherinformation, pleasevisit ourwebsiteat www.iicatworld.comor contact us at +91-9830274472 through WhatsApp.

We look forward to receiving your valuable contribution and fostering a meaningful dialogue on cultural therapy.


